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ISO 9001:2015
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Product catalogue
Tecnofire has obtained the certificate of conformity EN 54-13
Catalog - Slim Edition
Fire alarm panels
Accessories for fire alarm panels
TFST-LX350 - Serial printer
TFCF-2X15 PH30 - Loop cable PH30
TFCF-2X1 PH30 - Loop cable PH30
TFPROG32 - RS232 interface
TFBIRELE-24 - Relay board
TFSFC01 - Fiber optic converter
TFA1-298 - Addressable 1-loop fire alarm panel
TFA2-596 - Addressable 2-loops fire alarm panel
TFA4-1192 - Addressable 4-loops fire alarm panel
Accessories for TFT-7
TFABIL-TFTS - Floor plan management
Accessories for TFCOM
TFPROLATENNA - GSM antenna extension
Accessories for TFNET
TFABIL-MODBUS - Modbus software plug-in
TFABIL-TECNO - Tecno Out software plug-in
TFT-7 - Repeater panel
TFT-7S - Repeater panel w/ floor plan management
TFCOM - PSTN telephone communicator
TFNET - Ethernet interface
Addressable detectors
Accessories for detectors
TFBASE01 - Universal base
TFBOX-B - Junction box
TFBOX-S - Junction box
TFRIP-R - Optical repeater red
TFRIP-G - Optical repeater yellow
TFRIP-V - Optical repeater green
TFDA-DUCT - Analysis chamber
TFRIP-R INC - Optical repeater
TFTUBO-DUCT 60 - Sampling pipe
TFCOVER-DUCT - Anti-condensation cover
TF-BRP - Spray can
TFDA-S1 - Addr. smoke detector
TFDA-TR1 - Addr. heat detector
TFDA-STR1 - Addr. smoke + heat detector
Addressable devices
Accessories for modules
TFBOX-M - Junction box
TFDIN - DIN rail
TFM01 - 1 OUT module
TFM10 - 1 IN module
TFM20 - 2 IN module
TFM21 - 2 IN/1 OUT module
TFMC1 - Interface for conv. devices
TFM420MA - Interface for 4-20mA dev.
TFM50-HP - 5 IN module
TFM50-LP - 5 IN module
TFM05-HP - 5 OUT module
TFM05-LP - 5 OUT module
Call points
Addressable devices
Accessories for addr. call points
TFVETRO-CP01 - Replacement glass
TFCOP-CP01 - Replacement cover
TFKEY-CP01 - Opening and reset key TFCP01
TFSG-CP01R - Cover with acoustic signaling device red
Conventional devices
TFCTFCP01-IP66 - Conventional manual call point IP66
TFCP01-ADPE - Manual call point ATEX
TFCP02-G - Conventional manual call point green
TFCP02-B - Conventional manual call point blue
TFCP02-W - Conventional manual call point white
TFCP02-Y - Conventional manual call point yellow
TFCP02-R - Conventional manual call point red
Accessories for conv. call points
TFVETRO-CP01 - Replacement glass
TFCOP-CP01 - Replacement cover
TFKEY-CP01 - Opening and reset key TFCP01
TFVETRO-CP01 ADPE - Replacement glass
TFCOP-CP02 - Transparent replacement cover TFCP02
TFKEY-CP02 - Reset key TFCP02
TFSG-CP01R - Cover with acoustic signaling device red
TFSG-CP02B - Cover with acoustic signaling device blue
TFSG-CP02Y - Cover with acoustic signaling device yellow
Optical acoustic fire alarm devices
Addressable o/a alarm devices
TFIS01 - Addr. Indoor siren
TFPANM-AI – Optical acoustic alarm sign board
TFBASE-SOUNDER - base with acoustic signaling device
Accessories for optical acoustic fire alarm devices
TFBASE01 - Universal base
TFBOX-S - Junction box
TFBOX-P - Surface mount base
Conventional o/a alarm devices
TFES01 - Outdoor siren EN 54-3
TFPAN-AI - Optical acoustic alarm sign board
TFPAN-03 - Optical acoustic alarm sign
TFPAN-04 - Optical acoustic alarm sign board
TFPAN-05 - Optical acoustic alarm sign board
TFPAN-06 - Optical acoustic alarm sign board
TFSL03 - Optical acoustic fire alarm device
TFSL04 - Optical acoustic fire alarm device
TFS04 - Acoustic fire alarm device
TFS06-EX - Acoustic signaling device ATEX
TFS07-EX - Acoustic signaling device ATEX
TFL04 - Optical fire alarm device IP65
TFL05 - Optical fire alarm device
TFL06-EX - Xenon flashlight ATEX
TFC05 - Fire alarm bell IP44
Accessories for conv. o/a alarm devices
TFBOX-P - Surface mount base
Power supplies
TFPS-5 - Addr. power supply
Linear smoke detector
Linear smoke detector
TFBD-5000 50 - Lin. Smoke detector 50m
TFBDT-5000 50 - Lin. Smoke detector RX 50m
TFBD-3000 120 - Lin. smoke detector 120m
TFBDT-3000 120 - Lin. smoke detector RX 120m
TFBD-EX - Lin. smoke detector EXD
Accessories for linear smoke detectors
Aspirating smoke detectors
Aspirating smoke detectors
Accessories for aspirating smoke detectors
Flame detectors
Accessories for flame detectors
TFDF-IRST - Mounting bracket
TFDF-SSAM - Wall mounting bracket
TFDF-SSWS - Protection plate
TFDF-WSSS - Protection plate
TFDF-FT - Tester for flame detectors
TFDS-IRST - Mounting bracket
TFDS-IRLT - Test lamp
TFDF IR - IR flame detector IP66
TFDF IR2 - IR2 flame detector IP65
TFDF-EX IR2 - IR2 flame detector EXD
TFDF IR3 - IR3 flame detector IP65
TFDF-EX IR3 - IR3 flame detector EXD
TFDF UVIR2 - UV/IR2 flame detector IP65
TFDF-EX UVIR2 - UV/IR2 flame detector EXD
TFDS-EX IR - IR spark detector IP66 ATEX
Special detectors
Heat detection cables
TFCTS-68 ULFM - Heat detection cable 68° ULFM
TFCTS-105 ULFM - Heat detection cable 105° ULFM
Heat detectors
TFDC-TR2 - Mechanical heat detector IP65
TFDC-TR3 - Mechanical heat detector ATEX
TFDC-TR4 - Electronic point heat detector IP65
TFDC-TR5 - Electronic point heat detector ATEX
Flood detectors
TFRPL-108 - Point flood detector
Gas detectors
Gas detector with electrochemical cell
TFDG-EXD - Gas detector with electrochemical cell EXD
TFDG-EXN - Gas detector with electrochemical cell EXN
TFDG-PK - Gas detector with electrochemical cell IP55
Catalytic gas detector
TFDG-EXD - Catalytic gas detector EXD
TFDG-EXN - Catalytic gas detector EXN
TFDG-PK - Catalytic gas detector IP55
Infrared gas detector
TFDG-EXD - Infrared gas detector EXD
Electromagnetic door holders
TFEMFS-50 - Electromagnetic door holder 50kg
Loop cables
24V cables
TFBY-12 2 - Battery Yuasa 12V DC/2.3Ah
TFBY-12 7 - Battery Yuasa 12V DC/7Ah
TFBY-12 12 - Battery Yuasa 12V DC/12Ah
TFBY-12 17 - Battery Yuasa 12V DC/17Ah
TFBF-12 2 - Battery Fiamm 12V DC/2Ah
TFBF-12 7 - Battery Fiamm 12V DC/7.2Ah
TFBF-12 12 - Battery Fiamm 12V DC/12Ah
TFBF-12 18 - Battery Fiamm 12V DC/18Ah
TFSW-PROGRAMMAZIONE - Programming software
TFSW-TCP IP 100 - Remote management software
TFSW-TCP IP 1000 - Remote management software
TFSW-TECNOMONITOR - Monitoring software
TFSW-TECNOMSG - License option
Video presentation of Systems
Control panels
Expansion devices
Addressable detectors
Addressable peripheral devices
Visual / acoustic devices
Conventional o/a alarm devices